Friday, January 20, 2012

Writing, English and other school like sounding things

Alright, think back to your school days. Including elementary school and middle school. Remember the kid that always had a book ready for book reports? The kid that had the required reading in high school done early making everybody else look bad? The kid that constantly had a book in their bag ready to read the moment class got boring?

I was that kid.

When I was fourteen, I started writing. I constantly had story ideas running through my head. During my second semester of college I took a writing class online. The professor had us write a story, we'd post it and each week we would critique three stories.

Ever since that class I've had writer's block. I had no problem writing the stories I would write for that class but some of the critiques I would get from my classmates were horrible. In one story I was told I had too much dialogue. Another kid broke it down and told me why x,y, and z weren't actually plausible. In my second story another person told me my character was stupid and that she's glad everything that happened to the character happened.

I haven't been able to write since. If I did write something, I would hate it. I haven't like anything I've written and I can't bring myself to read other stuff I've already written, to edit it, because I end up hating it and I would trash the whole story idea. Which I don't want to do because I had big plans for it when I started it.

I probably sound crazy.

But I really, really, really, wish I could start writing again. I want to come home when I get off work and just write to my heart's content. But I can't.

I can barely write in my journal these days. I used to be able to tell the stories of my life in a way that would fill up pages with every single detail I could think of so I could remember everything. I could barely write about my wedding.

What is wrong with me? Is it possible that I lost my ability to write?

Has anybody else had this problem? Were you able to fix it?


Crack You Whip said...

You haven't lost your ability, just your confidence (been there). Read a few good books to get your juices going and get it going again. You'll do fine:)

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