Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Catch up!

Oh my lord. Did I go missing? I feel like I did. I work, eat, sleep, work. At least that's how I feel like I've been going lately.

Except this past week. My schedule got all switched around again but I finally have two days off in a row! It's almost sad how happy I am about that. But I am! Plus on my first day off, I did absolutely nothing. No lie, I sat on my couch and played Fable all day. When I wanted food, Russell went out and bought me food. Which was nice, he usually has me go with him since he likes driving together.

So, on Friday, the night before Christmas Eve, I was over at Russell's parent's house because his dad's side of the family was coming over for dinner. I was a little nervous. I won't lie to you. I'm not really close with that side of the family like I am his mom's side. I was excited about one thing though, I was finally going to meet his uncle. Now, I've been dating Russell for over a year and a half and I'm about to marry him. I've been to every single family function they've had, whether big or small. The uncle? Avoided every single one. It amazes me. But I digress. I was going to meet him. Yay!

It was a good night. Everybody is excited about the wedding and looking forward to it as much as we are. It was nice to actually get to know them.

Saturday, when I got off work, Russell and I took Kenny out to help my dad so he could go Christmas shopping. We took him to see Santa. I promised to take him to see Santa when we went to Magical Forest but we were so busy riding the rides that it slipped my mind.

So we stand in line for a half hourish to an hour and the closer we get to the front the more excited Kenny gets. He's jumping up and down and saying "Santa!" like it's a mantra. It was cute.

Standing in line!

So we get in to see Santa. Kenny practically runs to the couch to sit next to Santa while I'm talking to the girl to figure out picture prices. She takes the picture and after I get up Santa grabs my hand. I looked over and he said "God bless you. It's not an easy job," he said nodding at Kenny. I said Thank you and walked back over to Russell to wait to look at our pictures.

I teared up. Santa almost made me cry.

I didn't blog about it or anything, but when Russell and I took Kenny to Magical Forest, (which is a fundraising thing Opportunity Village does in Vegas every year. If you don't know, Opportunity Village helps kids with disabilities like downsyndrome.) I took Kenny to the bathroom where a grown man tried to bully him because he had a whiny kid who needed to pee and Kenny was taking longer than he needed. 

After that, I gave up on any "normal" person in society to understand Kenny or to even give him a chance. Santa changed that. I feel like he started a chain reaction because after Santa we took Kenny to see the new Chipmunks movie, which he loved, and the guy who was ringing up my drink was talking to him and even gave him a high five. 

I know it sounds small. But Kenny knows when people are staring at him because he looks different or talks weird. He know when people are rude to him because they don't understand. So every time somebody is nice to Kenny I want to hug them. 

Christmas day was nice. I had to work then too so I missed out on everything with Russell's family but I got a couple hours before work with his brother, mom and dad. We exchanged gifts. Russell's dad loves the remote controlled helicopter I got him.

I got some pretty kick ass gifts too. I got a Kindle Fire from Russell, (which is the bomb.com) some scrapbook stuff from Russell's mom and a case from Russell's dad. (Who was my not so secret santa). 

This was definitely the best Christmas I've had in years. I can't wait for more like this one.

How was your Christmas?! Any super cool gifts?


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