Wednesday, November 16, 2011

What a night!

So as you may or may not know, last night was my bridal shower! Which was a complete success :) My future mother-in-law made me a beautiful cake.
Super cute, right?! She even bought a different barbie head so that the doll had brown hair instead of blonde, which came with the pan. She also succeed in getting me the "most embarrassing gift" which also made me turn red, which never happens. But I love it all the same.

No, it's probably not what you're thinking.

I also got awesome baking toys like a mini cupcake maker and a cookie maker. Which I love love love love love love love love love love love love love love! Kenzie got me scrapbooking stuff which I love. I can't wait until I can buy a huge wedding scrapbook and go crazy with it. She also bought me a BFF necklace. Which you can kinda see in this picture here:

It's a two piece necklace that when you put them together it forms a heart. I absolutely love it. Every gift I received I love because they all fit me and I know that person put a lot of thought into my gift.

Everybody had a good time, from what I've heard. I know I had a blast. It was really nice having Russell's mom and grandma there. Every time I hang out with them I feel more and more like I'm part of the family. Accepted I guess is the word I'm looking for. Which is kind of what I've needed since of particular member of his family has made it her life mission to make me feel as unwelcome as a cockroach.*

My favorite part of the WHOLE bridal shower was when I put everybody into a group and they had to make a wedding dress out of toilet paper. They only had one roll of toilet paper but no time limit. (If you're ever planning on playing this for a future bridal shower I advise that you put some sort of time limit on it.)

These were the two models from the two groups. The girl on the right's team won and they all got little trophies.

I loved every minute of my bridal shower. Now I just need to get everything together for the wedding and all my hair will get to stay intact :)

Now, I'm going to go back to writing. I had a pretty wicked dream last night and it made me think of a pretty decent story line. Let's see if I can keep it going. :)

* It's probably not her life mission but she definitely doesn't like me and it feels like she goes out of her way to tear me down in a non-direct way.


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