Monday, November 14, 2011

I'm going on A Trip Around the World and I'm bringing....

Has anyone ever played this game? In theater or in elementary school? No? Yeah, I haven't either. Until yesterday. It was my fiance's brother's birthday so we had a little party at one of the grandparent's clubhouse. It was fun. I got to finally meet the baby (Russell's cousin's baby). She's so tiny and cute and adorable and just full of cuteness.

So, towards the end of party we started to play improv games like translator and questions and fun stuff you see on Who's Line is it Anyway? We started playing A Trip Around The World and the point of the game is to figure out how to play the game. Obviously you play with some people who know how to play and some people who don't know how to play.

This is how I looked for the majority of the game. I didn't know how to play so while I was playing I noticed like seven different patterns at play and the first pattern I noticed I played and I got to bring my item so I thought I figured it out.

I didn't. Wrong pattern. I didn't even figure it out until we had to stop playing because we ran out of time and they told me how to play.

After the party, Kenzie, Russell and I went to Cheesecake Factory to spy on Kenzie's mom while she was on her date. It was fun, pretending to be spies. We didn't get the greatest seat ever to spy from so it was a little difficult but her mom looked like she was having a good time, so we consider the mission successful.

But, we did get desert while we were spying and OH MY LANTA was it delicious. Russell and I shared a Godiva chocolate brownie sundae that was bigger than I expected it to be and I ended up filling myself up on that. I should probably be hitting the gym later.

My bridal shower is tomorrow! I'm super excited! I hope it goes well. I've been stressing myself over this shower to make everything right for the past week. I'm going to be up all night tonight making the fudge for the favors and getting all the games ready. Then I get to wake up early tomorrow to decorate and get everything else ready.

My next post will probably be plastered with pictures. I'm warning you now.


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