Thursday, November 17, 2011

A Beginning to What's Bound To Be A Really Long List

"I want to do a lot in my life. I just don't have enough life to do it all."

I used to say this all the time when people would ask what I would want to do with my life. My universal answer was and still is lawyer. But there is also so much more I want to do. I think it has something to do with my curiosity. I want to know everything. I want to understand everything. I want to experience everything I can possibly experience. But I don't want to go to school for all those years and just be a lawyer for the rest of my life. If I could, I would probably stay in school for the rest of my life, taking any class that seemed interesting.

So I kept a mental list of everything I eventually want to do when I would have the opportunity. My brain is starting to feel a little overloaded though. So I started a bucket list. Kinda. It's really a list of things I want to do before I'm thirty. Then, when I'm thirty I'll make another list of things I want to do before I'm forty. A Ten Years List. I only have about twenty five things on the list, but I know it's going to get longer.

Here's my list so far:

1) Get through planning my wedding without ripping my hair out.
2) Finish writing a story.
3)Write a screenplay.
4) Get into law school
5) Have a baby? (This one is extremely debateable.)
6) Learn to salsa.
7) Skydive.
8) Bungee jump off the Stratosphere.
9) Go parasailing.
10) Ride all the rides on the Stratosphere.
11) Visit England.
12) Try German beer. (In Germany)
13) Go shopping in Paris.
14) Drive on the autoban.
15) Get a book published.
16) Make mom's fudge.
17) Make a movie.
18) Get my shoulder tattoo
19) Have an awesome bridal shower.
20) Go to Italy.
21) Learn another language.
22) Get a golden retriever.
23) Start a law firm.
24) Open a coffee shop.
25) Go white water rafting.
26) Try out cosmetology school

And I already got two things done! This list is going to get a lot longer though.
I'm looking forward to my next ten years :)

Oh! And thanks to being put on hold for twenty minutes while waiting for a nurse to get on the phone, (twice) I have learned that Sunrise hospital is the number 1 hospital for the second time that _____ has put the statistics out. Go Sunrise!


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