Friday, November 4, 2011


And I feel pretty good about today. I haven't said something like "thank god it's Friday!" since I was in high school. This week though, I have the weekend off, so TGIF!

Yesterday, Kenzie and I got pedicures. I have no idea why and I'll never be able to explain it, but pedicures are like the first steps on the stairway to Heaven. It's just relaxing. The warm water, the chair that gives you a massage and reading a magazine is therapeutic. Or maybe that's just me. I enjoy every second that comes with getting a pedicure. Russell doesn't get it. He's never gotten a pedicure though. I think I may just make him get one before we get married. (Maybe part of his Christmas gift ;) ) I know my dad gets them. Last weekend he even took my little brother, Kenny, to get one too. They both love it.

On a different note, yesterday when Russell was taking me over to Kenzie's recruiting station he brought up my Christmas gift. He already knows what he wants to get me and is already working on getting it together. Actually, he's been working on it since mid-October, but I try to not think about it. He asked me if it was okay if he got me something expensive.

What kind of question is that?! Of course it's not okay. I know it's like every girl's dream to have a man that wants to buy them expensive things, but I don't. Because expensive things for girls usually involves jewelry. I don't like jewelry. I have three piercings in my ears and I buy a set of matching earrings and just wear those all the time. I have my cartilage pierced and I have the same ring it was pierced with three years ago. I wear my engagement ring and sometimes I'll wear a necklace. I'm not a jewelry kind of girl. I love electronics. Best Buy and Frys feel like home to me.

So, knowing that my fiance knows me very well, I know that he knows that I want electronics. And when you talk about expensive in electronics, you usually hit a higher price tag than you would with most bracelets. So it's definitely NOT okay. And then he rephrased his question to, "well, I already know I'm going to get you it. So I'm just wondering how much you'll hate me if I got you something expensive."

In truth, I wouldn't hate him. Because I know he's going to be getting me something I've really wanted or something I would really love. I only have an issue with it because I can't guarantee that I'd be able to get him something expensive. Which sounds petty but I know I'm not the only one who feels horrible when you know that Person A spent x amount on you and you spent amount z on them which is way less than amount x. And I know that love isn't measured in dollar signs but you can't help but feel that way. That's why couples set a limit on what to spend on each other. Plus we're paying for a wedding! I think he's really trying to make this Christmas amazing for me because I haven't had a "nice" Christmas in a couple of years and last year he had to work. Plus it's our first Christmas living together. He even promised I could have a real tree! He's not a fan of them, but I love them. When I was little my whole family would get in the van and go pick one out and we all had to agree on it. It was my favorite part of Christmas, along with decorating it.

Obviously I won't be able to get a big tree like I used to when I was younger, because our apartment is small and the ceilings are low. But I'll be happy with a small tree that I could have in my living room. This is going to be a good Christmas, I can feel it.

Oh! And as of yesterday, Russell is officially in the process of going active duty. I'm so excited! Everything is happening so fast.


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